The anniversary of a loved one’s death is something that many people want to recognize and honor but may not be sure how to do so in a way that is healthy and genuine. Recognizing the anniversary is important for the healing process and that is something that you certainly want to consider doing. If you are not sure about how to go about this or what you can say or do, there are some tips that directors of funeral homes in New Brighton, PA want you to consider.
The first death anniversary can be the toughest one and so you want to be kind and patient with yourself as you deal with this time. It can be a good idea to honor your loved one in a more intimate manner, with a few close friends and family members instead of a big group of people. You may feel inclined to write something to say about your loved and to prepare a beautiful memorial display for them. Printing photos of them and lighting a candle below the pictures can be a lovely option, too.
On the person’s death anniversary, you want to consider visiting their final resting place. That may be at a cemetery or wherever you laid to rest their cremated remains. It is something that can offer the comfort you need. Bring flowers or something the person would have loved. This little ritual can be a good way of honoring their memory and helping yourself get through this tough date.
You can have a remembrance ceremony for your loved one. You can invite people to speak about the person and share memories they may have of them. You can make it a lighter ceremony by putting together a playlist of music your loved one enjoyed or even play a game or watch a movie the person loved. Anything that allows you to remember them and that allows people to feel close to the person can help.
You can do something artistic or crafty in their honor. If you love to paint, why not paint a portrait of the person or paint something that was important to them. That is crucial to consider. It can be a lovely way of making sure that you express yourself and honor their memory at the same time.
These are all excellent ways you can choose to honor the death anniversary of a loved one. It is essential that you keep in mind that the first death anniversary will be the toughest one so you do want to have some people around you. You can learn more about all of this by reaching out to a New Brighton, PA funeral home like us. We can help you with the exact services you want for your loved one so do not hesitate to reach out. You can give us a call or visit us today to speak with one of our experts about the many services we can offer.